Monday, November 30, 2015


In the novel ‘Beloved’ written by Toni Morrison, it’s noticed that the characters within the novel are very close to one another. More specifically, it’s noticed between the protagonist Sethe and her children- Denver and Beloved. As Sethe is a former slave, her actions have affected her mentally and physically. Its noticed that she is affected by her past when she kills her baby infant with a handsaw, as the four white men arrive. This action was taken because she didn’t want her children going through a life as a slave. It’s emphasized that its ‘Beloved’ that Sethe killed, which is why, Beloved was reincarnated again, when a risen body appear up from the water, to give Sethe a second chance. Throughout the novel, it helps us illustrate the theme of how ones relationship with an individual can be the most important part of life, which helps us, make decisions that can be justice or unjust during a situation.
Image result for Sethe and BelovedIn the rising action, it’s noticed that a girl came out of the water. That same girl is named Beloved. Beloved has no clue where she came and has asked Sethe to stay with her. As the novel caries through, Sethe and Beloved build a forcedly connected relationship. Their bond grew bigger to where Sethe finely realized that Beloved was a reincarnated individual on her first child that she killed. In an article that I recently read, Terry Paul claims how their children are enslaving mothers. This connects to Beloved when she made Sethe ill. This is noticed at the end of the novel when Sethe is a changed person, who doesn’t have the same characteristics as she had in the beginning on the novel.

            It is seen that a child relies on its for life and well being of the mother in the child’s life. On the other hand, the mother also has to be there for her child to support and comfort of her child. As Sethe feels enslaved in by her own “daughter ” Beloved, this action is what ties them together and builds the bond that they have throughout the novel. Sethe feels to be enslaved by her daughter ‘Beloved’ until Beloved leaves at the end of the novel- when Beloved has left the 123 homes (mysteriously). In addition, this action specifically, is what changes the life of Sethe as a person due to the their relationship- as when Sethe was alone to where Sethe know is with Denver and Beloved at the end of the novel. In consistency, looking at society know, we can see that the main part of a mothers life is spending time with their children developing the relationship among one another- as seen with Sethe and Beloved throughout the novel. 

~Daniel Romero