Monday, October 12, 2015

Why Kevin Chose this lens?

The lens of Feminist and Gender interested me more than other lens that I had the opportunity to chose because with this lens I had the opportunity to work with it and understand it so I can try and succeed by having on this lens. My previous experience in topics where I had to do feminist on a story called “Desiree’s Baby” By Kate Chopin. I looked for evidence where it would show me if the story had gender or feminist in it. My personal belief towards this topic is that I have seen so many stuff in this world where they are rude to genders or they put females down by arguing that men are better or stuff like that. Another lens I had consider doing was Race, I had race as one of my lens because i felt that in this story there could possibly be a lot of things that has to do with racism. What I am trying to get out of this project is that I master how to dectect when they are using feminist and gender in different types of stories.


  1. It's cool how you referred yourself in the third person!!! That is very bloggy!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
