Monday, October 19, 2015

Stephanie- Why I Chose This Lense

A feminist lens on a book that involves a mother’s dead child is crucial. Mothers are nurturing and loving, capable of doing the impossible to ensure their loved baby’s well being. It is a given that many raw emotions and healing processes will be weaved throughout the whole book. This will affect the work as a whole and incorporate feminist perspectives and women empowered thoughts. Since the whole book is inspired by a past of slavery and life changing events, it is important to take note on how a person who was seen as a gender and racial minority takes back control of their voice. After suffering from a hard past and being freshly freed, women started to speak up and voice their personal experiences and started a trend that portrays women as strong and durable instead of weak like society viewed women in the time the book took place. This is going to impact how the reader digests Sethe’s personal testimony as she converts herself to an open book revealing her true inner self as a mother, a survivor of slavery, and a processing healing scar.

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